Thermogravimetric analysis

Reliable TGA’s for fast, accurate thermogravimetric analysis

The best analytical instrumentation gives your process a competitive edge. Our thermogravimetric analysers (TGAs) are engineered with precision and years of industry experience to support you in rigorous material characterisation, reliably delivering the accurate data you need to perform at the highest levels.

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Key benefits of Essa thermogravimetric analysers

  • Fast, reliable results

    Our TGAs are designed for laboratories where fast turnaround of analytical results is required, and where high volumes of samples need to be processed. Automatic loading and unloading of samples and accelerated drying support the fast delivery of analytical results. Plus, innovative technologies provide precise measurements in real time using automated procedures throughout the process.

  • Safe operation

    The safety of your operators is at the forefront of our analysers’ design. The fully enclosed and insulated machines prevent exposure to extreme temperatures. Smart loading and unloading systems keep operators’ hands well away from heating elements. Failsafe systems keep access locked down during operation. Automatic placement and removal of sample lids (only applicable to Essa Apollo L) enhances safety and further removes the need for manual intervention.

  • Customisable to your application

    Our analysers come with numerous parameters that can be customised, based on the requirements of your laboratory and the type of analysis data that you wish to gather. Variables such as heating rates, cooling rates and duration of analysis can all be modified, offering you a flexible method of analysis.

Our thermogravimetric analysers

High-speed, automated thermogravimetric analysis for reliable, accurate results every time.

Our robust and precise Auto TGA V2 Thermogravimetric Analyser is designed specifically for integration into fully automated robotic systems or other high-volume automated systems, to provide fast results. Four Auto TGAs are typically used together, with each set at a different temperature. They are commonly integrated with auto sample dosing.

The Auto TGA can operate at temperatures up to 1000°Cand includes an industrial programmable logic controller (PLC), robust furnace elements and three thermocouples for precise temperature control, as well as a load cell accurate to 0.1 mg for accurate mass determination. It is reliable, precise, safe and quick, able to process over 1000 samples a day.

Please note: Auto TGA V2 are not available in Germany, Spain and USA.

Our Auto M TGA V2 is specially designed for high accuracy at lower temperatures and is excellent for moisture determination. It operates at temperatures just over 100°C, and features temperature control accurate to 0.1 °C, for the best possible moisture results.

Like our regular Auto TGA V2, our Auto M TGA V2 Moisture Analyser  is designed to be integrated into fully automated robotic systems or other automated solutions. It is typically operated in conjunction with several Auto TGAs, for which it provides the dry starting mass for their individual LOI analyses.

Please note: Auto M TGA V2 are not available in Germany, Spain and USA.

The Ceres Single Point Thermogravimetric Analyser is designed to operate at a fixed temperature – up to 1000˚C – and offers accelerated drying, precision weighing and continuous loading, without needing to wait for the furnace to heat up and cool down. Ceres Single Point TGAs can be operated in parallel to carry out multiple analyses simultaneously. For example, a single sample can be weighed into two crucibles and fed into two machines to determine moisture content and LOI in minutes.

Ceres Link is also available with this TGA system. This unique technology allows samples to be automatically transported from one Ceres Single Point TGA system operating at a fixed temperature, to the next TGA system operating at a different temperature. Up to four TGA systems can be linked together, with each operating at different temperatures.

Please note: Ceres TGA are not available in Germany, Spain and USA.

The Apollo is our semi-automated multi-temperature TGA with manual loading of the samples. It starts from ambient temperature and performs all sample weighing and recording of results automatically.

It is designed for speed, precision and accuracy while ensuring maximum operator safety and ergonomics. The temperature can be set at up to 1000˚C with user-customisable heating programs allowing the creation of standardised operating procedures.

As a variant of the standard Apollo TGA, our Apollo L has been designed with a second carousel, which holds lids for the sample crucibles. It accommodates up to 20 samples of five grams each and can heat them up to 1000˚C in a user-defined atmosphere.

The double carousel allows your operator to set up predefined methods and select when in the cycle to lift the lids or when in the cycle to lower the lids, sealing the crucibles. Therefore, this TGA is particularly suited for use when handling volatile matter.

Please Note: the Apollo L Thermogravimetric Analyser is not available in the USA.

Auto TGA thermogravimetric analyser

Sample capacity, sample mass, temperature range and additional features

Compare thermogravimetric analysis instrumentation

Sample mass
Number of samples
Continuous operation
Continuous operation
Balance resolution
0.1 mg
0.1 mg
Temperature range
Ambient to 1000˚C
Ambient to 160˚C
Most common applications
Mineral characterisation: Moisture content, loss or gain of ignition
Mineral characterisation: Moisture content

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Ceres single point thermogravimetric analyser

Frequently asked questions

FAQs for thermogravimertic analysis instrumentation

Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is the mass loss or gain in a sample as a function of temperature and time under controlled atmospheric conditions. More simply, TGA measures the mass lost or gained as a sample is heated according to a predefined program of temperature and time.