Effective recovery

Merrill Crowe-Zinc Precipitation precious metals recovery systems

Complete your mine site with a proven FLS Merrill Crowe precious metal recovery system. Available in flowrates of 100m3/h to 2000m3/h, our plants reliably recover silver and gold and minimize excess zinc consumption. Experienced FLS application engineers are available to assist you with your needs.

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Key benefits of Merrill Crowe systems

  • A complete and easy-to-integrate system

    Our Merrill Crowe systems include all necessary functions for effective precious metals recovery. From clarification, deaeration, zinc addition and precipitation through to refining, with all support utilities, our equipment is expertly selected and sized to meet your specific plant needs.

  • Simple, low-cost installation

    Designed and delivered to reduce onsite installation costs and complications, our Merrill Crowe systems are skid mounted, where possible. Process piping is pre-spooled with critical joints left loose for final welding onsite, while control panels are prewired, and connections matchmarked. Large equipment is disassembled and also matchmarked, as is structural steel.

  • Designed to facilitate access and maintenance

    Accessibility and maintainability are essential factors in the design of our Merrill Crowe systems. Equipment is laid out to optimise operations and maintenance access throughout the plant. The plant footprint has been minimised and piping systems are centrally located to allow forklift access. There is also forklift access between filters and to load the drying oven or retort pans. Most components are built from carbon steel with stainless steel available as an option – but it usually not necessary. Pipe flow velocities are kept reasonable to reduce maintenance and extend equipment life.

Our Merrill Crowe systems

The clarification process is designed to produce a clean pregnant solution (leachate) with a final suspended solids content less than 10 ppm. A clean solution increases precipitation efficiency and reduces excess loading of non-precious metal solids in the precipitation filters. Automatic backwash clarifier filters are used to complete this process stage.

Following clarification, the deaeration tower removes dissolved oxygen to less than 1.0 ppm, and preferably below 0.7 ppm, from the pregnant solution, allowing an efficient zinc precipitation reaction. The pregnant leach solution is sprayed onto high surface-area plastic tower packing, exposing the oxygen to the tower vacuum, where it is removed by the vacuum pump. The deaeration solution collects in the tower reservoir, which acts as a surge tank upstream of the zinc addition and precipitation pump steps.

Powdered zinc addition to the deaeration solution causes the precious metals to precipitate out of solution via a cementation reaction. Zinc is precisely fed via a screw feeder or turntable into a FLS zinc cone, where it is well mixed with a sodium-cyanide solution to form a slurry. A gravity or suction cone feeder with steady head tank feeds the zinc slurry into the clarified and deaerated leachate, precipitating out the precious metals, which are recovered by a FLS filter press.

The precoat and body feed processes assist clarification and precipitate filtering. Precoat involves placing a thin layer of diatomaceous earth onto the filters, facilitating solids removal during filter servicing. Body feed adds volume to the precipitate and allows the extended build-up of caked material.

For non-mercury-containing ores, a standard drying oven is used to dry the precious metal precipitate; mercury-containing ores are dried in an FLS mercury retort. The dried or retorted precipitate is mixed with fluxes in an FLS flux mixer/furnace feeder, or by hand, and smelted at 2000+°C in a melt furnace. During smelting, impurities are removed into the slag, which is poured into slag pots. The remaining molten precious metal is poured into doré moulds, cooled, weighed, and sold.

Add-ons for Merrill Crowe systems

  • Smart process control: In systems with multiple clarification and precipitation filters, automated flow control ensures proper flow balancing to each filter and allows the operator to tailor the system to fit processing needs.
  • Mercury abatement systems: Mercury abatement systems are available for treating the smelting furnace process off-gas and the refinery room ventilation system.

Maintenance & Service of Merrill Crowe systems

Our Merrill Crowe systems are usually supplied with FLSmidth-selected and customer-purchased initial plant startup and first- and second-year operation plant spares. We have dedicated plant startup and operator training engineers, and we offer future planning and troubleshooting services should your system contain copper or other deleterious species.

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Frequently asked questions

FAQs for Merrill Crowe systems

The Merrill Crowe process is widely used to recover gold and silver from cyanide-based leachates. Known for its efficiency and low operating costs, it uses a zinc cementation reaction to precipitate out the precious metals for recovery by filter press.

The Merrill Crowe process relies on the reaction of powdered zinc with a metal cyanide complex, which causes the metal to precipitate and the zinc to go into solution.