Human rights

Respecting the rights of all stakeholders

Respecting human rights is a basic aspect of conducting responsible business. We never take good practices for granted, recognising that our work with human rights requires continuous improvement.

Setting our values in action

In FLSmidth, we respect all internationally recognised human rights of our employees, customers, suppliers and other business partners, as well as the communities we operate in. Our commitment is expressed in our human rights policy and suppliers’ code of conduct. Our human rights policy defines our modern slavery commitments and describes how we meet our conflict minerals due diligence.

We proactively manage human rights through due diligence, and we show our commitment by seeking full and progressive alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Our due diligence policy serves as a guiding star for the process. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, we are fully committed to meeting its principles. Facilitated by Group Compliance, our human rights work is guided cross-functionally by HSEQA, HR, sustainable supply chain and compliance.  

Improving our human rights performance involves many different personnel within FLSmidth and external stakeholders, hence our focus on stakeholder engagement and capacity building. Key to this is providing training and visiting regional sites. 

Human rights training 

To ensure our commitments are embedded in the company, we provide human rights training. Our e-learning course provides general introduction to human rights, what challenges we face in FLSmidth, and what we can do to prevent negative impact. This course is available in seven languages, increasing its accessibility and broadening its scope to encompass more at-risk regions.

For colleagues in procurement and sales, we conduct in-person training in fundamental human rights principles. As part of this training, we include anonymised real-life case studies to help our colleagues to identify possible human rights violations and provide tools to create a positive impact.  

Employees can access information about our human rights policy and our training programmes on our internal website.  

Access to remedy 

We acknowledge our responsibility by offering access to remedy where our business conduct has resulted in adverse impacts on these rights. We have therefore made it easy to access the human rights grievance and compliance system by using our existing whistleblower hotline as it is confidential and the most efficient way to report grievances. Our grievance policy describes the process of filing and resolution of grievances.

Furthermore, we are constantly seeking to improve access to grievance mechanisms to the most vulnerable groups in our value chain.


Policy framework

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