Mixed flotation cells

Increase recovery and improve grade with mixedROW flotation

The goal of mineral processing operations is to produce high-grade concentrate as efficiently as possible. Combining nextSTEP and WEMCO® flotation cells, our mixedROW flotation system delivers highest recovery rates and concentrate grade while lowering energy consumption.

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Key benefits of mixedROW flotation

  • Raise recovery and grade

    FLS nextSTEP forced-air cells are placed at the start of the row, recovering easy floating material using the least amount of energy. WEMCO self-aspirated cells follow at the end of the row for coarse and fine particle recovery. It’s a combination that delivers maximum recovery rate and concentrate grade.

  • Improve energy efficiency

    The system is engineered to provide an ideal flow stream and strong turbulence for increased bubble-particle rates and efficient recovery. Slurry is also transferred between cells with the lowest possible head loss via patented dart valves. The result is significantly lower energy consumption.

  • Flexible, low-cost, low-maintenance system

    The mixedROW flotation system is easy to install and start-up, lower cost to run, and has a longer mechanism life. It can also treat a range of particle sizes within a single flotation row resulting in optimized metallurgical performance.

Froth cameras

FLS froth cameras provide a clear image and analysis of froth movement over the launder, allowing for improved control of the flotation circuit and further optimizing performance.

Our mixedROW flotation system

High recovery and better grade are critical for your operation. The mixedROW Flotation System combines the unique individual benefits of forced-air and self-aspirated flotation cells to provide the best metallurgical performance possible.

Service of mixedROW flotation systems

The experts at the FLS Minerals Testing and Research Centre help fine tune your flotation systems to ensure optimal performance. Equipped with a range of testing and analysis equipment, we determine the optimal sizing, configuration, and operating practices of your flotation circuit. Operating flotation cells are supported by a global network of service centres, offering full-lifecycle technical assistance. Our service engineers travel regularly to sites for equipment inspections and audits, to supervise maintenance, and to deliver tailored training. Meanwhile, FLS spare and wear parts deliver long service life and ensure the performance of your flotation cells does not degrade over time.

Learn more about FLS service centres

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Frequently asked questions

FAQs for mixedROW flotation system

The mixedROW flotation system is engineered to fit tanks from 5m3 to 660m3

There are two types of flotation cell used in mixedROW flotation systems: nextSTEP forced-air flotation cells and WEMCO self-aspirating flotation cells.

The mixedROW™ flotation system is versatile and can be used for processing any flotation application, including copper, gold, lead, zinc, nickel, and others.

The system is designed to lower energy consumption and improve recovery rates, which helps reduce the overall environmental impact of mineral processing operations.

Yes, the mixedROW™ flotation system is designed to be easily integrated into existing mineral processing operations, providing a seamless upgrade to enhance performance.