Hybrid apron feeders

Easily handle abrasive materials with a HAB feeder

The HAB feeder is a robust, power-efficient, high-tonnage machine that combines the strength of an apron feeder with the spillage control of a belt feeder. It provides an affordable solution for feeding abrasive and sticky materials in ROM and stockpile management operations.

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Key benefits of hybrid apron feeders

  • Delivering heavy-duty, reliable performance

    The hybrid apron belt feeder’s heavy-duty construction incorporates conventional conveyor belting, which is bolted to aprons pans. The chain design features double-mounting flanges for effective load distribution while dual carry rollers per chain link ensure low rolling resistance and effective support of the flight bar system. Combined with a reinforced loading deck, bumper flight support bar to absorb loading forces, and robust apron flights, HAB feeders are built to withstand large impact loading forces over long periods of operation.

  • Simple, cost-effective operation and maintainance

    The plug-and-play design only requires a power source to run. The low-profile horizontal loading deck allows different loading methods, including direct- and side-truck tipping, front-end loading, and dozing. Access hatches ease maintenance of the deck, chains, belts and apron flight bars, while automatic lubrication ensures consistent lubrication of the bearings and onboard power sockets further assist maintenance personnel. Spillage protection eliminates the need for extra equipment, such as dribble belts, providing an additional reduction in operating complexity and cost.

  • Compact, modular design supports operational flexibility

    Fully modular, the HAB feeder can be installed anywhere in material handling and feeding facilities, e.g., close to a stockpile, with minimal site preparation. Typically, the feeder is bolted to a flat concrete slab foundation or a compacted area of a stockyard. Semi-mobility facilitates onsite relocation using standard stockyard equipment; optional wheels or skids assist in relocation. All ancillary equipment is installed onboard, including the transformer and motor control centre.

  • Optimised feeding of downstream processes

    FLS HAB feeders provide a consistent and controlled flow of material to downstream equipment, without the surging typically associated with direct truck dump operations. This supports improved process stability, optimising the productivity and efficiency of downstream equipment, while reducing equipment wear and consequently maintenance costs and downtime.

  • Simple, cost-effective operation and maintainance

    The plug-and-play design only requires a power source to run. The low-profile horizontal loading deck allows different loading methods, including direct- and side-truck tipping, front-end loading, and dozing. Access hatches ease maintenance of the deck, chains, belts and apron flight bars, while automatic lubrication ensures consistent lubrication of the bearings and onboard power sockets further assist maintenance personnel. Spillage protection eliminates the need for extra equipment, such as dribble belts, providing an additional reduction in operating complexity and cost.

Hybrid Apron Belt (HAB) Feeder

The HAB Feeder is a hybrid belt-over-apron feeder that delivers the strength of an apron feeder with the spillage control of a conveyor system. With a low-profile loading deck and a completely modular design, it provides an affordable solution for adjustable-rate feeding of abrasive materials.

Layout of HAB Feeder acting as Reclaim Feeder with direct loading from trucks.

Our HAB feeders

The result of our multidecade experience as a designer and manufacturer of both apron and belt feeders, the hybrid apron feeder was the first of its kind. Efficiently feeding a range of hard-to-handle mineral products, including various ore, mineral sands, and bauxite, it is suitable for both primary and secondary feeding applications of capacities in the range of 100-2000 tph. An inclined module allows for elevated discharge, while the flat loading deck is available in different lengths. Wing walls are customised to the application and can be folded in during relocation. 

Services of our hybrid apron feeders

As a customer of FLS, you have access to our expert staff and support teams, who will deliver a fit-for-purpose solution to suit your application and are always on hand for any troubleshooting or advice. We offer full after sales support for all equipment we supply, including installation, commissioning, maintenance contracts, and supervision. Spare parts are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, while our global presence allows timely response to maintenance and repairs requests.

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Frequently asked questions

FAQs for hybrid apron feeders

A hybrid apron belt (HAB) feeder is used at various points in the mining process, including for ROM feed applications, stockyard management, and conveyor transfer. 

Combining the robust construction of an apron feeder with the smooth operation of a belt feeder, HAB feeders provide a flexible and efficiency feeding solution, particularly for abrasive and sticky materials

FLS offers HAB feeder capacities up to 2000 tph.

FLS hybrid apron belt feeders can handle material up lump sizes of 500 mm

Our HAB feeders typically use an electric drive system, ensuring smooth operation and allowing for adjustable feeding rates. 

Yes! Our HAB feeder is ideally suited to the controlled and cost-effective handling highly abrasive materials, including iron ore, mineral sands, and bauxite.