Process automation solutions

Full flowsheet optimisation – process automation solutions from FLS

Modern mining demands cutting-edge solutions. From advanced process control to process optimisation, we have a range of software systems and digital tools to enable greater productivity, improved energy efficiency and reduced downtime across your flowsheet.

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Digital process automation reduces energy consumption

The mining industry is a significant power user, estimated to be responsible for up to 7% of the world’s power consumption. As our industry works towards achieving the MissionZero Mine, efficiency measures have a vital part to play in reducing energy consumption. Digital tools and services, such as LoadIQ – our mill load optimisation tool, which reduces energy consumption by up to 10% - will help mines make the changes needed to achieve these efficiency gains.

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Frequently asked questions

FAQs for process automation solutions

Process automation in mining uses technology to control and monitor mining operations, like mineral processing, to improve efficiency, safety, and productivity. It involves using sensors, software, and advanced control systems to optimise processes, reduce costs, and minimise the potential for human error.