Order backlog reduced by DKK 0.5bn as mentioned in half year report

PublishedSeptember 6, 2024
UpdatedJanuary 22, 2025
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The project execution commenced as planned, but due to the impact of the global financial crisis on Aurox' project funding, the project was put on hold earlier this year, and the parties have now agreed to terminate the remaining contract. As a consequence of the termination, the order backlog of FLSmidth has been reduced by DKK 550m, which is the amount that was flagged as in increased risk of being cancelled in the half year report released on 17 August 2009. The termination will have no impact on the expected revenue and results for 2009.  For further information about the circumstances and agreements, please see the announcement issued by Aurox to the Australian Stock Exchange; http://www.asx.com.au/asx/research/companyInfo.do?by=asxCode&asxCode=AXO                                             -------------------------------------  Please address any questions regarding this announcement to Group Chief Executive Officer Jørgen Huno Rasmussen, FLSmidth & Co. A/S at +45 36 18 18 00 until 8.30am CET and thereafter by appointment via Corporate Communications & Investor Relations.  For further information about FLSmidth, please visit www.flsmidth.com.  Yours faithfully

Pernille Friis Andersen
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations