FLSmidth to supply equipment for gold plant in Canada

PublishedSeptember 6, 2024
UpdatedJanuary 22, 2025
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Company Announcement to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority No. 11-2010, 3 May 2010

FLSmidth has received an order worth USD 49m (DKK 275m) from Detour Gold Corporation for the supply of equipment for their Detour Lake gold plant in north eastern Ontario, Canada (see Company Announcement no. 07-2010). The open pit plant will have a capacity of 55,000 tonnes per day.


The scope of the supply includes two SAG mills, two ball mills and one gyratory crusher.


"Canada offers numerous opportunities for minerals extraction and processing of gold, copper and other metals. We are therefore very happy to have received this order, which further strengthens our presence and position in the country as a one source solutions provider," Group CEO Jørgen Huno Rasmussen comments.


The contract will contribute beneficially to FLSmidth's earnings until the last equipment has been supplied in late 2011.





Please address any questions regarding this announcement to Group Chief Executive Officer Jørgen Huno Rasmussen, FLSmidth & Co. A/S at +45 36 18 18 00.


For further information about FLSmidth, please visit



Yours faithfully

Pernille Friis Andersen
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations