Customer story

The new F-Series HPGR is a successful prospect for Ivrindi Gold

Ivrindi Gold made history recently when they became the proud owners of not just the first and biggest HPGR in Turkey’s mining industry, but also the country’s biggest jaw crusher, cone crusher and vibrating screen. We were delighted to be their partner of choice for this milestone project.

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Ivrindi Gold is a new mining and enrichment project in Western Turkey owned by TÜMAD Mining Industry and Trade. With ample resources available, the company wanted to optimize its output by investing in equipment that could deliver a large throughput. Their feasibility study indicated the heap leach process would be suitable for this site and Ivrindi Gold began searching for the right equipment for the job.

In the heap leach process, gold ore is crushed to a -6 mm product size, drum-agglomerated and stacked onto a leach pad, where it is saturated with a leach solution that dissolves the precious metals and carries them to the pad below and on into the ADR plant. This is a cost-effective process, provided the required particle size is reached and the leach solution can access the gold within the product. Otherwise, you risk wasting valuable materials.

High pressure grinding for efficient gold recovery

High pressure grinding for efficient gold recovery

Ivrindi Gold had commissioned laboratory research that confirmed that a High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR) would benefit their process. HPGR technology works by exposing the feed material to very high pressure for a short amount of time. This causes the rock to crack and cleave along the grain boundaries, creating a large number of fines but also forming microcracks in the larger particles. These microcracks create ‘canals’ to the gold ore particles trapped inside the parent rock, allowing the leach solution to access the gold and do its job. The more microcracks and fines produced, the more gold can be recovered. Micro-cracking also increases the leach kinetics which speeds up the gold recovery rate versus conventional crushers.