
Could switching your trommel frames boost milling productivity?

FLS trommel frames and screen media boost milling productivity through increased durability, modular screen media and digital optimisation. The new trommel frames and light-weight screen media are now available to the mining industry globally.

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Achieving this is tricky though, especially when you consider how unique your mine may be in terms of conditions, material processing and other parameters. That is why we work with you to match feed conditions and other variables, so you get the optimal trommel screen for your operations. We examine every aspect of your screening process to help ensure efficient pulp flow characteristics, proper separation, and maximum equipment availability. 

Part of this reduction of maintenance downtime comes from a unique trommel frame design, which utilises friction-grip clip rails for installing the modular panels, as opposed to bolts or pins. As a result, no additional fixing parts are required. 


Trommel Frames and Screen Media

Focus on durability

To extend and maximise your asset life, the structural design of the trommel frames are verified through finite element analysis (FEA). This guarantees the engineering behind all components. Complete design verification by FEA calculation includes static and fatigue/strength assessment, as well as strength assessment on the bolts. We also stress relieve your trommel frame after fabrication and before machining and apply protective lining on each frame in the areas that are exposed to erosive and abrasive wear.  

Modular screening media

The modular screen media is designed to be highly efficient in material screening, with productivity and ease of handling the main objectives. Available in rubber and polyurethane material, our modular screening media is suitable for all mineral-sizing applications. 

To ensure rapid delivery and streamline inventory management, our screening media is available in two standard sizes and in a number of thickness combinations. Our modular screen media panel sizes are 657 mm x 400 mm (25.86-in x 15.75-in) and 726 mm x 400 mm (26.75-in x 28.58-in). These standard dimensions allow us to supply your media from any FLS manufacturing centre, and guarantee your media will conform to our unparalleled quality requirements and material specifications, while providing equal fabrication reproducibility. 

Simple, digital optimisation 

For pulp flow, a state-of-the art discrete element modeling (DEM) software simulates your trommel performance. It is then modeled, so it can be optimised for the highest recoveries and efficiencies. The DEM software also analyses your trommel’s material distribution to optimise your screening media configuration.

Installed between the mill discharge trunnion and the trommel, deflectors provide a homogenous and controlled feed of the mill discharge pulp onto the trommel screening surface. This allows maximum use of the available surface area. The deflectors assist in improving pulp distribution thereby improving screening efficiency. Deflectors also contribute to improved screening media life. 

FLS trommel frames and screen media boost your milling productivity through increased durability, modular screen media, and digital optimization. We drive success through sustainable productivity enhancement. 

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